Discover the 30-day loan for you in minutes with Need a Loan, your partner in safe emergency finance. Our all-new short-term loan offerings ensure that you can cover those unexpected payments, whether they’re fixing your car, replacing a broken appliance, or medical expenses. Loans like this have a 30-day repayment period. That means you have a month to repay the loan from the day you take out the loan, usually a small one.
Our loans protect you from financial downfall with lower-than-average interest rates and a simple application process. 30-day loans are notorious for having high interest rates– but not with Need a Loan. We believe that accessing funds urgently shouldn’t break the bank, because everyone should be able to have coverage against life’s unexpected events without further hurting their finances. Paying off your loan in a smaller period ensures that you don’t face further economic damage, which provides peace of mind and better nights’ sleep.
Secure personalised loan terms tailor-made to fit your circumstances.
Our 30-day loans are unsecured. We won’t ever ask you for collateral like a house or car to repossess if you default (don’t pay us back). All you need to apply is your ID, a recent payslip or bank statement, or proof of address.
In addition, Need a Loan offers a free credit check with a XDS-endorsed credit checking bureau and financial services provider (FSP).
We have no hidden fees, are National Credit Regulator (NCR) approved, offer low interest rates, and offer personalised terms and financial advice.
To start your loan application, complete our contact form or email We’re excited to hear from you!